About Chemistream

Chemistream is a cloud-based platform that democratizes access to advanced chemistry simulations, making it easier than ever for businesses to harness the power of high-performance computing. Developed by Dr. Scott Sides as an offshoot of Tech-X, a company specializing in computational physics simulation software since 1994, Chemistream was built to break down the barriers that have kept powerful simulation tools out of reach for too many.

At the heart of Chemistream is its seamless integration with AWS and other leading cloud and cluster solutions. This accessibility allows even small and medium-sized enterprises to tap into virtually limitless computational resources without the need for significant upfront infrastructure investments. Whether scaling up for a major project or just getting started, Chemistream adapts to your needs, offering the flexibility to grow as you do.

Streamlined Workflows, Advanced Tools

Chemistream’s true strength lies in its ability to simplify complex workflows, keeping your work in a state of continuous flow. The platform integrates a comprehensive suite of high-performance tools developed by top institutions like the Department of Energy and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Key tools include:

  • QMCPack: A Quantum Monte Carlo code for computing the electronic structure of atoms, molecules, and solids.
  • NWChem: A powerful computational chemistry software that provides a wide range of capabilities, from quantum mechanical calculations to molecular dynamics.
  • LAMMPS: A molecular dynamics simulator used to model particles in a variety of materials.
  • SPPARKS: A kinetic Monte Carlo simulator for modeling the evolution of microstructures in materials.

These tools are seamlessly integrated within Chemistream, allowing users to execute complex simulations without requiring extensive setup or technical expertise. The platform also incorporates open-source software and machine learning libraries, enhancing its capability to handle diverse workflows and enabling more accurate and faster simulations.

Effortless Integration, Continuous Progress

Chemistream is designed to remove the technical hurdles that often slow down scientific progress. Chemistream lets you focus on your core research and development tasks by handling all the heavy lifting behind the scenes. Whether developing new materials, advancing pharmaceuticals, or exploring novel chemistry applications, Chemistream offers the tools and cloud accessibility you need to drive discovery and stay ahead of the curve.

For businesses eager to innovate faster and more efficiently, Chemistream isn’t just another software platform—it’s your gateway to scalable, cost-effective, and cutting-edge chemistry simulations. With Chemistream, your workflow becomes a stream of continuous progress, enabling you to achieve results and push the boundaries of what’s possible in chemistry.

Get started with an evaluation license of Chemistream today!